RK Math Basic Level English Words
It takes much time and effort to master the phonetic symbols and then use the same to find the correct pronunciation of words from the dictionary. In the meantime, learners pick up many wrong pronunciations which are difficult to rectify afterwards.
To overcome this problem, we have recorded the pronunciation of 3000 commonly used words. These words are divided into the Basic. Each word is repeated thrice so that the words become clearly imprinted in the minds of the learners. For ease of listening the audio tracks are of about ten minute duration. Only the Basic files are in separate folders. The files are recorded in the mp3 format. Repeatedly listening to the audio pronunciations will help develop the pronunciation.
The Windows Media Player is also provided on the CD.
- 1. absent
- 2. absorb
- 3. academic
- 4. accent
- 5. accept
- 6. accepted
- 7. access
- 8. acne
- 9. acquire
- 10. acre
- 11. adapt
- 12. addicted
- 13. adequate
- 14. adhere
- 15. adjective
- 16. adjourn
- 17. admire
- 18. adopt
- 19. advantageous
- 20. advertisement
- 21. aerobic
- 22. aeroplane
- 23. Aesop
- 24. aesthetic
- 25. affect
- 26. afraid
- 27. against
- 28. agenda
- 29. agony
- 30. air
- 31. aisle
- 32. alias
- 33. alibi
- 34. alien
- 35. alter
- 36. alternate(n)
- 37. alternate(v)
- 38. am
- 39. amiable
- 40. amnesia
- 41. among
- 42. amongst
- 43. analysis
- 44. anchor
- 45. angel
- 46. angle
- 47. annual
- 48. antique
- 49. apathy
- 50. apologise
- 51. apostrophe
- 52. apparatus
- 53. appetite
- 54. appreciate
- 55. apprehensive
- 56. apprise
- 57. appropriate
- 58. approximate
- 59. aquatic
- 60. archery
- 61. arduous
- 62. aren’t
- 63. arena
- 64. ascetic
- 65. asked
- 66. assure
- 67. asthma
- 68. astrology
- 69. astronaut
- 70. astronomy
- 71. asylum
- 72. atheist
- 73. athlete
- 74. atrocious
- 75. auditorium
- 76. august (adj)
- 77. August(n)
- 78. auspicious
- 79. austere
- 80. automobile
- 81. autumn
- 82. avalanche
- 83. avarice
- 84. awkward
- 85. ballet
- 86. ballot
- 87. balm
- 88. bathe/bath
- 89. bear
- 90. beard
- 91. beautician
- 92. bicycle
- 93. birthday
- 94. blessed
- 95. born
- 96. borne
- 97. bouquet
- 98. boutique
- 99. bow
- 100. boys
- 101. breakfast
- 102. breath
- 103. breathe
- 104. brew
- 105. brochure
- 106. bruise
- 107. budget
- 108. buffet(n)
- 109. buoyant
- 110. bureau
- 111. bureaucrat
- 112. burger
- 113. busy
- 114. butcher
- 115. by/ bye/buy
- 116. cadet
- 117. cadre
- 118. cafe
- 119. cafeteria
- 120. cajole
- 121. calibre
- 122. called
- 123. callous
- 124. camera
- 125. career
- 126. caricature
- 127. carriage
- 128. carrier
- 129. cassette
- 130. castle
- 131. catastrophe
- 132. cause
- 133. cease
- 134. celebrity
- 135. chair
- 136. challenge
- 137. chance
- 138. chandelier
- 139. change
- 140. chaos
- 141. charisma
- 142. charity
- 143. chauffeur
- 144. chauvinism
- 145. cheered
- 146. chef
- 147. cheque
- 148. Chicago
- 149. choose/chose
- 150. chord
- 151. chore
- 152. chorus
- 153. chosen
- 154. Christians
- 155. chubby
- 156. circus
- 157. climbed
- 158. close
- 159. closure
- 160. cloth
- 161. clothes
- 162. coherent
- 163. colleague
- 164. collected
- 165. coma
- 166. comb
- 167. comma
- 168. command
- 169. comment
- 170. compère
- 171. competition
- 172. composed
- 173. compromise
- 174. concept
- 175. concert
- 176. concerted
- 177. condemn
- 178. conduct(n)
- 179. conduct(v)
- 180. congenial
- 181. congratulate
- 182. conscience
- 183. conscious
- 184. contagious
- 185. content (adj)
- 186. content (n)
- 187. contingency
- 188. contract (n)
- 189. contract (v)
- 190. contrast
- 191. contribute
- 192. convert (n)
- 193. convert (v)
- 194. convict (n)
- 195. convict (v)
- 196. corrected
- 197. couch
- 198. cough
- 199. coup
- 200. courier
- 201. courteous
- 202. courtier
- 203. coward
- 204. creature
- 205. crèche
- 206. crow
- 207. cuisine
- 208. cupboard
- 209. dairy
- 210. dais
- 211. debris
- 212. debt
- 213. debut
- 214. deceased
- 215. deficiency
- 216. deity
- 217. delete
- 218. Delhi
- 219. deliberate
- 220. denture
- 221. department
- 222. depot
- 223. described
- 224. desert(n)
- 225. desert(v)
- 226. determined
- 227. dialogue
- 228. diarrhoea
- 229. diary
- 230. didn’t
- 231. dietician
- 232. dilemma
- 233. discipline
- 234. discord
- 235. discotheque
- 236. disease
- 237. dissolve
- 238. divorce
- 239. dough
- 240. draught
- 241. dressed
- 242. drought
- 243. eccentric
- 244. echo
- 245. economy
- 246. education
- 247. either
- 248. eleven
- 249. eligible
- 250. embarrassed
- 251. emotion
- 252. employee
- 253. encyclopaedia
- 254. endeavour
- 255. engineer
- 256. enquire
- 257. entrepreneur
- 258. environment
- 259. equipment
- 260. escort
- 261. etiquette
- 262. eunuch
- 263. exam
- 264. ex-gratia
- 265. exhaustion
- 266. exhibition
- 267. exotic
- 268. expect
- 269. expertise
- 270. exponent
- 271. exquisite
- 272. extempore
- 273. extra
- 274. extravagant
- 275. facade
- 276. facet
- 277. famine
- 278. famous
- 279. farther
- 280. fascinate
- 281. fasten
- 282. father
- 283. fatigue
- 284. favourite
- 285. February
- 286. feign
- 287. felicitate
- 288. fete
- 289. fiancée
- 290. fiasco
- 291. fifteen
- 292. fifty
- 293. fine
- 294. finger
- 295. finished
- 296. finite
- 297. five
- 298. flower
- 299. foe
- 300. foetus
- 301. follower
- 302. food
- 303. forgot
- 304. forte
- 305. forty
- 306. fragile
- 307. franchise
- 308. further
- 309. gauge
- 310. genuine
- 311. gesture
- 312. giraffe
- 313. girl
- 314. gorgeous
- 315. gourd
- 316. gourmet
- 317. government
- 318. grandeur
- 319. grievous
- 320. heard
- 321. heart
- 322. heinous
- 323. heir (air)
- 324. hoist
- 325. holiday
- 326. holy
- 327. honesty
- 328. honour
- 329. horn
- 330. hospital
- 331. hour
- 332. hugged
- 333. human
- 334. humane
- 335. hygiene
- 336. hypocrisy
- 337. ice
- 338. ideal
- 339. idle
- 340. idol
- 341. imbecile
- 342. important
- 343. inaugurate
- 344. incessant
- 345. infinite
- 346. is
- 347. island
- 348. jewellery
- 349. judge
- 350. kicked
- 351. killed
- 352. knead
- 353. knee
- 354. knit
- 355. knob
- 356. knocked
- 357. knot
- 358. lamb
- 359. laughed
- 360. learn
- 361. learned
- 362. leisure
- 363. lethargy
- 364. library
- 365. lion
- 366. locked
- 367. loose
- 368. lose
- 369. loss
- 370. love
- 371. marine
- 372. martyr
- 373. massage
- 374. matinee
- 375. measure
- 376. mediocre
- 377. menu
- 378. message
- 379. miniature
- 380. mishap
- 381. missed
- 382. moment
- 383. mortgage
- 384. mosque
- 385. mountain
- 386. mourn
- 387. movement
- 388. mow
- 389. mundane
- 390. nation
- 391. national
- 392. neigh
- 393. niche
- 394. noble
- 395. noise
- 396. nostalgia
- 397. obeyed
- 398. obituary
- 399. object(n)
- 400. object(v)
- 401. objective
- 402. obscene
- 403. observe
- 404. offered
- 405. often
- 406. onion
- 407. optician
- 408. ordeal
- 409. our
- 410. oven
- 411. packed
- 412. pair
- 413. palanquin
- 414. parliament
- 415. patio
- 416. patriot
- 417. people
- 418. perfect
- 419. pharmaceutical
- 420. phenomenon
- 421. phobia
- 422. photograph
- 423. photographer
- 424. physique
- 425. pious
- 426. pizza
- 427. please
- 428. pleasure
- 429. plough
- 430. plunge
- 431. poem
- 432. police
- 433. poor
- 434. popular
- 435. possible
- 436. potatoes
- 437. prescription
- 438. price
- 439. probably
- 440. programme
- 441. pronunciation
- 442. proper
- 443. proven
- 444. psychology
- 445. punish
- 446. pupil
- 447. pure
- 448. quaint
- 449. queen
- 450. queer
- 451. quest
- 452. question
- 453. quiet
- 454. quite
- 455. raise
- 456. rapport
- 457. receipt
- 458. recluse
- 459. regime
- 460. reign
- 461. rejected
- 462. religion
- 463. respected
- 464. restaurant
- 465. resume(n)
- 466. resume(v)
- 467. rise
- 468. route
- 469. ruin
- 470. sachet
- 471. Saturday
- 472. saw
- 473. school
- 474. severe
- 475. sew
- 476. shook
- 477. sir
- 478. solemn
- 479. sow
- 480. sorry
- 481. spoil
- 482. sponge
- 483. stenographer
- 484. stove
- 485. student
- 486. stupid
- 487. suggestion
- 488. suit
- 489. suite
- 490. superintendent
- 491. sure
- 492. suture
- 493. take
- 494. target
- 495. tear (n)
- 496. tear (v)
- 497. thank
- 498. theatre
- 499. thorough
- 500. through
- 501. throw
- 502. tier
- 503. tiny
- 504. tire
- 505. tomato
- 506. tomatoes
- 507. tomb
- 508. tortoise
- 509. tour
- 510. towel
- 511. train
- 512. tribunal
- 513. Tuesday
- 514. tune
- 515. twenty
- 516. twenty-eighth
- 517. tyre
- 518. uncle
- 519. vacation
- 520. vain
- 521. valet
- 522. vehicle
- 523. veil
- 524. venue
- 525. verb
- 526. viva voce
- 527. vocation
- 528. voice
- 529. volunteer
- 530. waited
- 531. want
- 532. Wednesday
- 533. weren’t
- 534. wise
- 535. woe
- 536. women
- 537. worked
- 538. world
- 539. worse
- 540. worst
- 541. wrath
- 542. wreck
- 543. wretched
- 544. wrinkles
- 545. write
- 546. wrong
- 547. year
- 548. yes
- 549. zeal
- 550. zealous
Audio Pronunciation Guide (550 Words)
Thank you so much for providing this info..much usefull .......good work dude
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ReplyDeletegood work sanjay...but i am not able to download
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please help me....