RK Math Basic Level English Words
It takes much time and effort to master the phonetic symbols and then use the same to find the correct pronunciation of words from the dictionary. In the meantime, learners pick up many wrong pronunciations which are difficult to rectify afterwards.
To overcome this problem, we have recorded the pronunciation of 3000 commonly used words. These words are divided into the Basic. Each word is repeated thrice so that the words become clearly imprinted in the minds of the learners. For ease of listening the audio tracks are of about ten minute duration. Only the Basic files are in separate folders. The files are recorded in the mp3 format. Repeatedly listening to the audio pronunciations will help develop the pronunciation.
The Windows Media Player is also provided on the CD.
- 1. absent
- 2. absorb
- 3. academic
- 4. accent
- 5. accept
- 6. accepted
- 7. access
- 8. acne
- 9. acquire
- 10. acre
- 11. adapt
- 12. addicted
- 13. adequate
- 14. adhere
- 15. adjective
- 16. adjourn
- 17. admire
- 18. adopt
- 19. advantageous
- 20. advertisement
- 21. aerobic
- 22. aeroplane
- 23. Aesop
- 24. aesthetic
- 25. affect
- 26. afraid
- 27. against
- 28. agenda
- 29. agony
- 30. air
- 31. aisle
- 32. alias
- 33. alibi
- 34. alien
- 35. alter
- 36. alternate(n)
- 37. alternate(v)
- 38. am
- 39. amiable
- 40. amnesia
- 41. among
- 42. amongst
- 43. analysis
- 44. anchor
- 45. angel
- 46. angle
- 47. annual
- 48. antique
- 49. apathy
- 50. apologise
- 51. apostrophe
- 52. apparatus
- 53. appetite
- 54. appreciate
- 55. apprehensive
- 56. apprise
- 57. appropriate
- 58. approximate
- 59. aquatic
- 60. archery
- 61. arduous
- 62. aren’t
- 63. arena
- 64. ascetic
- 65. asked
- 66. assure
- 67. asthma
- 68. astrology
- 69. astronaut
- 70. astronomy
- 71. asylum
- 72. atheist
- 73. athlete
- 74. atrocious
- 75. auditorium
- 76. august (adj)
- 77. August(n)
- 78. auspicious
- 79. austere
- 80. automobile
- 81. autumn
- 82. avalanche
- 83. avarice
- 84. awkward
- 85. ballet
- 86. ballot
- 87. balm
- 88. bathe/bath
- 89. bear
- 90. beard
- 91. beautician
- 92. bicycle
- 93. birthday
- 94. blessed
- 95. born
- 96. borne
- 97. bouquet
- 98. boutique
- 99. bow
- 100. boys
- 101. breakfast
- 102. breath
- 103. breathe
- 104. brew
- 105. brochure
- 106. bruise
- 107. budget
- 108. buffet(n)
- 109. buoyant
- 110. bureau
- 111. bureaucrat
- 112. burger
- 113. busy
- 114. butcher
- 115. by/ bye/buy
- 116. cadet
- 117. cadre
- 118. cafe
- 119. cafeteria
- 120. cajole
- 121. calibre
- 122. called
- 123. callous
- 124. camera
- 125. career
- 126. caricature
- 127. carriage
- 128. carrier
- 129. cassette
- 130. castle
- 131. catastrophe
- 132. cause
- 133. cease
- 134. celebrity
- 135. chair
- 136. challenge
- 137. chance
- 138. chandelier
- 139. change
- 140. chaos
- 141. charisma
- 142. charity
- 143. chauffeur
- 144. chauvinism
- 145. cheered
- 146. chef
- 147. cheque
- 148. Chicago
- 149. choose/chose
- 150. chord
- 151. chore
- 152. chorus
- 153. chosen
- 154. Christians
- 155. chubby
- 156. circus
- 157. climbed
- 158. close
- 159. closure
- 160. cloth
- 161. clothes
- 162. coherent
- 163. colleague
- 164. collected
- 165. coma
- 166. comb
- 167. comma
- 168. command
- 169. comment
- 170. compère
- 171. competition
- 172. composed
- 173. compromise
- 174. concept
- 175. concert
- 176. concerted
- 177. condemn
- 178. conduct(n)
- 179. conduct(v)
- 180. congenial
- 181. congratulate
- 182. conscience
- 183. conscious
- 184. contagious
- 185. content (adj)
- 186. content (n)
- 187. contingency
- 188. contract (n)
- 189. contract (v)
- 190. contrast
- 191. contribute
- 192. convert (n)
- 193. convert (v)
- 194. convict (n)
- 195. convict (v)
- 196. corrected
- 197. couch
- 198. cough
- 199. coup
- 200. courier
- 201. courteous
- 202. courtier
- 203. coward
- 204. creature
- 205. crèche
- 206. crow
- 207. cuisine
- 208. cupboard
- 209. dairy
- 210. dais
- 211. debris
- 212. debt
- 213. debut
- 214. deceased
- 215. deficiency
- 216. deity
- 217. delete
- 218. Delhi
- 219. deliberate
- 220. denture
- 221. department
- 222. depot
- 223. described
- 224. desert(n)
- 225. desert(v)
- 226. determined
- 227. dialogue
- 228. diarrhoea
- 229. diary
- 230. didn’t
- 231. dietician
- 232. dilemma
- 233. discipline
- 234. discord
- 235. discotheque
- 236. disease
- 237. dissolve
- 238. divorce
- 239. dough
- 240. draught
- 241. dressed
- 242. drought
- 243. eccentric
- 244. echo
- 245. economy
- 246. education
- 247. either
- 248. eleven
- 249. eligible
- 250. embarrassed
- 251. emotion
- 252. employee
- 253. encyclopaedia
- 254. endeavour
- 255. engineer
- 256. enquire
- 257. entrepreneur
- 258. environment
- 259. equipment
- 260. escort
- 261. etiquette
- 262. eunuch
- 263. exam
- 264. ex-gratia
- 265. exhaustion
- 266. exhibition
- 267. exotic
- 268. expect
- 269. expertise
- 270. exponent
- 271. exquisite
- 272. extempore
- 273. extra
- 274. extravagant
- 275. facade
- 276. facet
- 277. famine
- 278. famous
- 279. farther
- 280. fascinate
- 281. fasten
- 282. father
- 283. fatigue
- 284. favourite
- 285. February
- 286. feign
- 287. felicitate
- 288. fete
- 289. fiancée
- 290. fiasco
- 291. fifteen
- 292. fifty
- 293. fine
- 294. finger
- 295. finished
- 296. finite
- 297. five
- 298. flower
- 299. foe
- 300. foetus
- 301. follower
- 302. food
- 303. forgot
- 304. forte
- 305. forty
- 306. fragile
- 307. franchise
- 308. further
- 309. gauge
- 310. genuine
- 311. gesture
- 312. giraffe
- 313. girl
- 314. gorgeous
- 315. gourd
- 316. gourmet
- 317. government
- 318. grandeur
- 319. grievous
- 320. heard
- 321. heart
- 322. heinous
- 323. heir (air)
- 324. hoist
- 325. holiday
- 326. holy
- 327. honesty
- 328. honour
- 329. horn
- 330. hospital
- 331. hour
- 332. hugged
- 333. human
- 334. humane
- 335. hygiene
- 336. hypocrisy
- 337. ice
- 338. ideal
- 339. idle
- 340. idol
- 341. imbecile
- 342. important
- 343. inaugurate
- 344. incessant
- 345. infinite
- 346. is
- 347. island
- 348. jewellery
- 349. judge
- 350. kicked
- 351. killed
- 352. knead
- 353. knee
- 354. knit
- 355. knob
- 356. knocked
- 357. knot
- 358. lamb
- 359. laughed
- 360. learn
- 361. learned
- 362. leisure
- 363. lethargy
- 364. library
- 365. lion
- 366. locked
- 367. loose
- 368. lose
- 369. loss
- 370. love
- 371. marine
- 372. martyr
- 373. massage
- 374. matinee
- 375. measure
- 376. mediocre
- 377. menu
- 378. message
- 379. miniature
- 380. mishap
- 381. missed
- 382. moment
- 383. mortgage
- 384. mosque
- 385. mountain
- 386. mourn
- 387. movement
- 388. mow
- 389. mundane
- 390. nation
- 391. national
- 392. neigh
- 393. niche
- 394. noble
- 395. noise
- 396. nostalgia
- 397. obeyed
- 398. obituary
- 399. object(n)
- 400. object(v)
- 401. objective
- 402. obscene
- 403. observe
- 404. offered
- 405. often
- 406. onion
- 407. optician
- 408. ordeal
- 409. our
- 410. oven
- 411. packed
- 412. pair
- 413. palanquin
- 414. parliament
- 415. patio
- 416. patriot
- 417. people
- 418. perfect
- 419. pharmaceutical
- 420. phenomenon
- 421. phobia
- 422. photograph
- 423. photographer
- 424. physique
- 425. pious
- 426. pizza
- 427. please
- 428. pleasure
- 429. plough
- 430. plunge
- 431. poem
- 432. police
- 433. poor
- 434. popular
- 435. possible
- 436. potatoes
- 437. prescription
- 438. price
- 439. probably
- 440. programme
- 441. pronunciation
- 442. proper
- 443. proven
- 444. psychology
- 445. punish
- 446. pupil
- 447. pure
- 448. quaint
- 449. queen
- 450. queer
- 451. quest
- 452. question
- 453. quiet
- 454. quite
- 455. raise
- 456. rapport
- 457. receipt
- 458. recluse
- 459. regime
- 460. reign
- 461. rejected
- 462. religion
- 463. respected
- 464. restaurant
- 465. resume(n)
- 466. resume(v)
- 467. rise
- 468. route
- 469. ruin
- 470. sachet
- 471. Saturday
- 472. saw
- 473. school
- 474. severe
- 475. sew
- 476. shook
- 477. sir
- 478. solemn
- 479. sow
- 480. sorry
- 481. spoil
- 482. sponge
- 483. stenographer
- 484. stove
- 485. student
- 486. stupid
- 487. suggestion
- 488. suit
- 489. suite
- 490. superintendent
- 491. sure
- 492. suture
- 493. take
- 494. target
- 495. tear (n)
- 496. tear (v)
- 497. thank
- 498. theatre
- 499. thorough
- 500. through
- 501. throw
- 502. tier
- 503. tiny
- 504. tire
- 505. tomato
- 506. tomatoes
- 507. tomb
- 508. tortoise
- 509. tour
- 510. towel
- 511. train
- 512. tribunal
- 513. Tuesday
- 514. tune
- 515. twenty
- 516. twenty-eighth
- 517. tyre
- 518. uncle
- 519. vacation
- 520. vain
- 521. valet
- 522. vehicle
- 523. veil
- 524. venue
- 525. verb
- 526. viva voce
- 527. vocation
- 528. voice
- 529. volunteer
- 530. waited
- 531. want
- 532. Wednesday
- 533. weren’t
- 534. wise
- 535. woe
- 536. women
- 537. worked
- 538. world
- 539. worse
- 540. worst
- 541. wrath
- 542. wreck
- 543. wretched
- 544. wrinkles
- 545. write
- 546. wrong
- 547. year
- 548. yes
- 549. zeal
- 550. zealous
Audio Pronunciation Guide (550 Words)